
अब सभी प्रतियोगी १७ अक्टोबर तक प्रवेश फ़ार्म डिमाण्ड ड्राफ्ट सहित जमा प्रदर्शनी में भाग ले सकते है |
निदेशक : कालिदास संस्कृत अकादमी उज्जैन (म.प्र.)

National Kalidasa Exhibition 2016 :: To download Information Brochure, 
click here

Painting And Sculpture Comptetion

Every year, a National Painting And Sculpture Comptetion based on traditional indian painting and sculpture  is held during the Kalidasa Samaroh.

The competetion is open for all.

  Claiming Your Prize

The Following form needs to be filled up and submitted at our academy, to claim your price for winning enteries in the competitions involving literature.